Flashcube the Band

thank you Kevin Rodgers

“Flashcube is creating High Energy Groove-oriented Power Pop with an attitude. This quartet out of Philly displays a command of songwriting and arrangement styles that are full of melody combining 3-part harmony with hard edge guitar. Joe O’Boyle, vocals and guitar, uses wordplay that touches on such topics as love gone awry to preachers who steal money. Flashcube’s new EP is full of pop gems from the Monkeesish sound of You Lied to radio-friendly Kick Em.

Mason has a webpage

…that you should visit. It makes me feel good. I mean really good. I mean having-a-bowl-of-Hot-and-Sour-Soup-when-you-have-a-cold good. Not only that he has a counter which is an obvious sign of insecurity. Go make Mason feel better. Visit his webpage. Also, check out the cover tunes in the Music section of the site. They rock ass!!

Eric’s Po’ Man Soup

1 can chicken soup stock
1 can bean medley
Black Pepper

Cook the noodles beforehand. Thenn throw them in with the soup stock and the beans. Be careful to squeeze out some of the bean juice when you open the can then put the rest in with the soup stock. Put the noodles in and heat everything up. Season to taste with basil and black pepper.

Now you can eat and be happy.

The End

So you’ve reached the end of the internet ? seen all that you think there is out there. Then how about going to a completely random website! I can’t be held responsible for what comes up. Though surprisingly no porn yet. absolutely random garbage!!!