Doctor, Doctor

The good doctor certainly kept himself busy during WW2 as a political cartoonist. This site shows a variety of his works from that period of time. Have a look but be warned that some of the stereotypes portrayed will make you cringe.

Sweetwater Post-Natal Abortion Clinic

Sometimes you just can’t seem to get rid of problems during that pesky nine month gestation period. That’s where the Sweetwater Post-natal Abortion Clinic comes into play. All you have to do is to pay the fee and let them erase that mistake. It doesn’t get any easier.

Orisinal Games

Ferry Halim has made some of the most original games available on the internet. They are cute and precious and lots of fun. There are lots to try so they can take up an afternoon if you feel so inclined. Also try the virtual flower arrangments as well.


Apple has updated the Safari web browser. Enhancements include tabbed browsing and autofill form. It’s my browser of choice on the Mac OS X. When I’m on Windows (god forbid) my browser of coice is Mozilla. Unfortunately Internet Explorer 6 still doesn’t render PNG’s correctly. You can download Safari via software update on Mac OS X.

Go Fish

In an effort to capture Iraqi leaders on the lam, the US government has issued playing cards with the names and faces of Saddam’s regime. However, most remain scepticle that the soldiers will be willing to give up their nudie playing cards for this set.